When we see high quality photos or videos of planets, nebulas, stars and galaxies one thing comes in our mind that this photos and videos issued by NASA, ESA or ISRO are real captured and shown to us or edited, let's reveal the truth behind of it.

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In this world of CGI, VFX and 3D Effects we can't identify which is real or fake, they are so realistic that by seeing it once you can't say it's fake, like that photos and videos issued by space agencies are not real. Not all photos and videos are fake but most of it are edited. Most of the photos and videos are artistic illusion which are created by the artist using CGI, VFX and 3D Effects. So from now whenever you watch a photos or videos of cosmos related things don't forget one thing they may be created on earth. Now the question arises if artist don't know how planets and galaxies look in space then how they will create photos.

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Here is the answer, in couple of years back we don't know how black hole look like in reality but there was millions of fake photos of black hole on internet. Artist imagine the photos by the name or details of the galaxies or planets. For example, a space agencies announced a news that "life is found on Kepler-22b" now artist got the Idea of the photos and videos how they will look, they will start making photos which will have a planet in which they will make little bit of earth atmosphere and environment so that it's look like that life is really on that planets.

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It is easy to identify fake photos, if you see multiple different photos of one planets then most of them are fake or edited.