We always see these beautiful space related pictures at internet which looks like a painting. but, in actual, these are nebulas. So, basically friends what are nebulas and how these are formed. 

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Let's talk about these this, basically friends, Nebulas are the clouds of dust and gases these are formed, when a star like sun completes its life cycle, then at the time of its explosion various gases get released into the space. These gases are mainly hydrogen and helium due to gravity, the particles of these gases start colliding which creates the formation of clouds and these clouds are basically nebulas. 

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As per scientists, around 3000 planet nebulas are available in our galaxy and if we talk about that where these nebula exists in our universe so basically these exist between the stars one other intersting fact is, nebula is a starting stage of beginning of the formation of a new star. Actually gravity between clouds become really strong that it causes those clouds to collapse and further this collapse causes the material at the centre of cloud to heat up and this hot core is beginning of a new star.

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