We know that time is very interesting topic and very hard to understand how it work for whole universe, time travels in a linear way, like from past to present and present to future. No can break this or try to change the direction of time, if anyone try to do what will happen with him let's come to know in Bootstrap Paradox .

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Let's know little bit about time, a time is a fourth dimensional object which describes and show the event's happening in third dimensional, our past influence present and our present influence or future. Now in Bootstrap Paradox if anyone go in the past through time machine and tries to change his past, that will create a loop between the time linear path, this thing is also applicable on future.

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Let's understand it by example, you are a scientist and you have so many doubts on Theory of Relativity you wrote all doubts and your research on that doubts on a note book and now you made a time machine and travel to past to meet Albert Einstein to clear your doubts. When you reach past you find that Albert Einstein who was a normal human and not done any invention till now. You got angry and come from past in future, now in future you realise that you have forgotten your doubts and research book in past at Albert Einstein

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Now Albert Einstein published that book by his name and got famous, now question is which thing is trapped in loop book or you, answer is book because you left it in past and made a great change in past. It's possible to do time traveling and even we are doing time travel from past to present and present to future.