I am going to tell you about an amazing discovery on FRB or Fast Radio Burst, what is this discovery and what are fast radio bursts.

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Whenever we humans look out in space one thing get super clear that we are nothing as compared to this humongous universe and besides this, there are countless things about which we do not even have an idea about what they are and why do they even exist. One such phenomenon is known as Fast Radio Bursts, and recently scientists have done an amazing discovery on this Fast Radio Bursts in which they have detected a repeating pattern that has never been done before. 

Let us first understand what these fast radio bursts are, as their name implies they are very powerful and fast bursts of radio signals and they are results of some events in space that have not been understood yet. By the way, these are of only a few milliseconds even though they release so much energy in those few milliseconds which our sun would release in 100 years and we get these FRBs from different locations in the universe with no similarity in them moreover because of their short duration, finding their origin is also very difficult. 

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But we still do not have an answer about why they happen and what they are, we just have different theories which suggest maybe two stellar-mass black holes are colliding or maybe two stars are colliding or a black hole is converting into a white hole by the way, a white hole is just a theory written on a paper that has not yet discovered. Some unprofessional people also say that maybe aliens are using these Fast Radio Bursts as a communication system to transmit information.

Well personally speaking I don’t think that these are being used by some advanced civilization for talking to each other. But something happened recently which scientists were not expecting when they discovered a pattern in a particular type of FRB, for this discovery scientists at Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) analyzed data of 409 days in which it is seen that we are getting a Fast Radio Burst from a certain region in a spiral galaxy 500 million light-years away from us which is repeating in a period of 16 days.

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These are in such a way that in the first 4 days we get signal in a continuous interval of one hour after that total silence for 16 days and again the whole process repeats. This is the first discovery in which we have detected the repeating pattern of an FRB, and it is being believed that all this is happening because maybe a certain type of celestial body is revolving around a star or a different type of object and when it’s possible that whenever this body comes in front of that object we do not get any signal for 16 days and when the line of sight gets clear we again start receiving them in the gap of one hour continuously for 4 days. 

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But scientists are still not getting that what object or celestial body is capable of emitting a powerful radio burst for such a long duration of time. Maybe when we come to know the real reason behind this, then we will be looking at something completely new. Or it’s also possible that it can be something that we have never imagined, One thing is clear that whoever solves the mystery behind FRB’s they will be awarded nobel prize, now only time will tell whether it’s a normal phenomenon or something about which we have never wondered before.