When we were kids we were shown a small model of our solar system which was in the shape of a disc since that time, the image of a solar system in our mind is like that of a disc with planets. But do you ever think that in this vast space where millions of particles just float randomly why is that each and every single planet of our solar system and even their respective moons rotate in the same plane. But why is that? The answer is total angular momentum. If we take 1000 bodies which are floating freely in space from every direction and each of them have an angular momentum around a given centre of mass then knowing the angular momentum of every single body we can easily calculate the plane and direction of total angular momentum of those bodies. 

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Exactly that when our solar system was taking shape then there were billions of planets and asteroids moving randomly around sun as a center of mass then there were billions of planets and asteroids moving randomly around sun as a center of mass there were so many collisions taking place randomly and as big bodies kept on colliding with each other only those stars asteroid meteors and planets were left whose plane , direction and path was on the path of total angular momentum if we look the surface of moon closely then we can notice many craters and the rings of saturn are also made by an asteroid belt which was once a whole planet this is the proof that our universe was very chaotic in the past it has seen countless colissions before everything finally became peaceful and disciplined like it is right now but all these colissions didn't just bring chaos in our solar system the 2 million year continuous rain on earth which is a popular theory of how life started here on our planet which made our major oceans this rain was only possible when a rogue asteroid collided with the earth if dinosaurs would still be present on the earth i think humans would have never been evolved because if reptiles like these were present on earth. 

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Then maybe apes would never leave trees and put their foot on ground and neither would our evolution take place. This demonstrartion of collision and the concept of center of gravity in space is shown in this video i have its liknk in the description its told that how every body that has mass disturbs the space and time around itself and why do two bodies with mass attract each other it also explains that in universe if objects are moving in opposite side then why is the why end result in same direction is shown practically and how the orbit of each planet depends on initial force applied on it i cant show my face right now else i would have shown the practical video is good and link is in the description so go and watch it if you love science , philosophy and conspiracy then please like and subscribe my next aim is 50 subscribers and if you want me to make a video on the topic you like then feel free to write in the comments and if you want me to make a video on the topic you like then feel free to write in the comments peace out 

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