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ISRO has successfully launched Cartosat-3 and 13 nano satellites of USA, on 27th november, after a break of 6 months ISRO has finally restarted its launching of operational satellites and in this mission they have launched 13 nano satellites of usa along with Cartosat-3 from their PSLV C47 vehicle, well ISRO has two types of vehicle PSLV and GSLV let’s look at the difference between both of them. 

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We use PSLV or Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle when we have to launch satellites into low earth orbit and mostly it is used to launch earth observing or remote sensing satellites and when it comes to GSLV or Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, we use GSLV when we have to establish a satellite in far earth orbit which is approximately 15000 kilometers from earth, such satellites are capable in focusing on a single point or city for 24hours. Now, let’s come back to Cartosat-3 as I told you that it is launched from PSLV C47 vehicle and it has been successfully established in an orbit at a distance of 509 kilometers, with an inclination of 97.4 degrees. 

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well, Cartosat-3 is an advanced earth imaging and mapping satellite and it will be used to observe earth, you can guess its strength only by the fact that it is capable of clearly detecting an object of 25 centimeters on earth surface with high precision and ISRO has said it will operate for 5 years after the success of this mission ISRO chief K.Sivan said that Cartosat-3 is most complex and advanced earth observation satellite ever build by ISRO and one more achievement of this mission is that up until now PSLV has crossed the mark of launching 300 plus foreign satellites with a grand total of 310, which is a big success in itself after all this, we have joined the list of those few countries which have their own powerful earth observation satellites and we all wish just like this isro will continue its journey to different heights.