Few months back, after failure of landing vikram lander in chandrayaan 2 mission on moon’s surface, scientists and space enthusiast present all around the globe had been trying to find it. While on 11th november images taken by nasa’s lunar reconnaissance orbiter got released in which they showed how crash of vikram lander has changed the moon’s surface. Well isro had already told us by posting on its official website that with the help of orbiter they have discovered vikram’s crash site but they didn’t release any images of the same. On the other hand, on 17th september nasa’s spacecraft flew over the crash site and clicked images and after one month they released this image to public and they were also not able to find any signs of crash.

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But...A chennai based engineer shanmuga subramanian downloaded this 1.5 gigabytes of image on his system and compared this pixel by pixel with the images of lunar surface taken before crash. He contacted nasa when he successfully detected debris of vikram while studying 750m radius from estimated crash site. After getting this tip, nasa again looked at the images and confirmed the identification done by subramanian and after this nasa has released the image in which they have shown green and blue dots on moon's surface. Here, green dots mean debris which means the scattered pieces of the space craft and blue dots mean the disturbance caused by the debris on the moon’s surface. Subramanian said in an interview given to economical times that he had been scanning these images for days and finally got successful.

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He also said that students and space enthusiast should help isro, nasa and other space organizations in studying the images taken by lunar reconnaissance orbiter and building the good data base of moon surface so that it will help in future missions. If you also like studying space then you can also help scientists all around the globe in many different ways.